Friday, December 04, 2009

Little Christmas "Pikku Joulu"

A few days ago, it was the first advent, and Velho went to a small party held by the Finland-Hungarian Association in Järvenpää.
This event is held once a year, the members coming together eating good food, chatting and having fun.
This year this party was arranged by our sister association the Russin-Finland Association, and we had the opportunity to taste some traditional russian foods, interesting combinations and tastes.

Velho had the opportunity to meet up with other friends of Hungary, that have aquirred their own cottage in the south of Hungary, in fact a small wineyard. We spent the whole evening speaking about Hungary. As all of you know, the plans for Velho and Velhotar is to find a small place down there in Hungary, where we can spend part of our pension days in a bit warmer climate than here at home.
As with all dreams, you have to have them for a long time to increase the possibility to get them fullfilled. Our dream started nearly ten years ago, so maybe it's our turn soon:-)

Your Lazy Blogger

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hello everybody,

The Lazy Blogger is back;-)

The summer has gone by with lots of small restauration projects on Velhola Manor, the social life has been forgotten, the year is simply too short this year.
Now it's nearly winter, at least cold and bad weather outside, making me wonder, why am I still here up in the north of Europe, when I should be around 2000- 3000 km south?
The dream is to get a cottage somewere in the south of Hungary, or even in the south of Italy, a place where one can live a peaceful and easy life within a bit warmer climate during the upcoming pension days (a few years left, I'm not that old yet;-)).

The rest of the year is filled with different events and meetings, mostly concerning genealogy. The Finnish Genealogical Society have a few meetings every month, and I'm also attending meetings with the Calamnius family board, planning the upcoming 60th anniversary meeting next summer in Helsinki, more information on their website.
My hunt for information on the Holm familys incompleate branches also continues, some progression made this year, mostly on our Franck branch, but there are still a few other branches to take up to present time.

Well, what I'm trying to say, is that it has allways seemed that old people doesn't have time, they're allways busy with something. Now it seems that the same flu is catching me also, even if I'm not that old yet, or am I?

Your Lazy Blogger

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ciao everyone,

The last few weeks, Velho has been participating on a "Talkoo" in Lepsämä, in the south of Finland. The enntrance, kitchen and the living room is going through a main restauration, today we've finally started to see kind of how it will be when it's ready.
When Velho left the site, late in the evening, it began to rain and a heavy thunderstorm came up, the rain was so heavy that one could drive only about 50-60 km/h, anyway safe home.
This was the first thunderstorm this summer, hopefullty there's not to many of them.
The picture is from Velhola west wing. as it's now ready.

Your Lazy Blogger

Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Lazy blogger is back,

It's allmost midsummer, and much colder than it should be this time of the year, today we reached 12C, forecast for tomorrow is 15C. Hopefully it'll be warmer on midsummer.
This year most of the Velhos will spend the midsummer in the archipelago of Uusikaupunki on the westcoast of Finland.
Velho is planing for the upcoming roof job, yes our old roof will get a makeup, this year the south side, and next year the north side. Either the first or the second weekend in july, there is a so called "talkoo" at Velhola, when the roof restauration takes place, so lets hope for a weekend without rain.

Yours truly,

The Lazy Blogger.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Visiting the Porvoo Museum

Dear readers,

On april 16 yours truly, Velho was visiting the Porvoo museum to have a look at their exhebition about what happend in 1809 when Finland and Sweden separated, and Finland became a Great Dutchy of Russia, which later was resulting in the independency of Finland.
The museum had an impressive collection of things and information on the event.

Today Velho also made some small updates to the Holms pages concerning our connection to the Calamnius family, these can be found on the descendants page of our family site.

Your lazy blogger

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New chairman at

As I wrote previously:

::>Borgånejdens Släkt- och Bygdeforskare rf. Since two years ago I've been the chairman of this ::>association, hoping to pass it over to someone new and fresh tomorrow, lets see...

I could retire from the chairman post, and we got a new chairman Ulli Gabrielsson on the 26th of march, I'm happy to pass over the Assiciation to her.

The Lazy Blogger.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello all my readers,

I know your not many, because my lazyness to write more frequently, but anyway, here is the latest news.
I've been having genealogy as one of my hobbies for the last +-40 years. For the last eight years I've been a member of the Borgånejdens Släkt- och Bygdeforskare rf. Since two years ago I've been the chairman of this association, hoping to pass it over to someone new and fresh tomorrow, lets see...
Since the beginning of this year I am also involved in the Genealogical Society of Finland, as a deputy member of the board, and also as a member of the Work-Group and the IT Group. This gives me an more broad inside view of what's going on within the field in our country. I can see that there is a lot to do, to satisfy our members, but hopefully we can meet their exceptations, there is lots of work to do.
Adding to this, I'm also a special member of the Calamnius Family board since 2007. Now we're starting to plan for the upcoming Family reunion in 2010 when the Family Association celebrates its 60th anniversary. At the same time the Genealogical Society of Finland celebrates the 350th year of genealogical research in Finland.
All this ends up in lots of thinking, planning and acting to achive all goals for the year 2010 wich is special for both societies in many ways.
The national socities and the Calamnius socities main events will take place in the Helsinki area in the summer of 2010, stay tuned.

Your Lazy Blogger.

Monday, February 09, 2009

2009 started a while ago

Hi fellow readers,

As all can see, I'm really the lazy blogger. We're already into february, and it's my first post this year.

It's vinter, dark and cold (cold means belowe +15 C for me), a good reason to stay inside and concentrate on genealogy.

During the last few weeks I've got a whole bunch of new members collected into the Holm family on the Franck branch, this wouldn't have been possible without the forum of the Genealogical Society in Finland.
I posted a query, and voilá, got answers, and hints where to continue searching. As a result I now have a few generations more on that branch, have a look at the descendants of Anna Maria Holm

Because of the winter time, I've also done some research on a possible vacation trip south to warm and sun. Nothing specific yet, but target is either the south of Hungary next september, or Sorrento in Italy. Let's see what I can come up with.
