Friday, February 29, 2008

My best winter!

Hi everybody,

The media is going hot about global warming, so who cares?

Well I do! I've been waiting for this to happen since I was a kid, and finally it seems that my dream's coming true.

- I hate winters.......
- I hate to have to clear the drive path to my house from snow...
- I don't need winter at all!!!

This is the second winter in a row, when it's really no winter at all, it's kind of On/Off winter, one day we have snow, and the other day it's gone. The temperature is above zero degrees centigrade allmost all the time, I love it.

Well I do know about all the backsides of global warming, and we do not want them, or do we????

I guess that to get rid of the winters that I hate I most probably need to relocate to somewhere south, and start hoping that the Global warming STOPS in the north.

Your Lazy Blogger.